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We live in a world where our entertainment is completely customizable and personalized. The era of there just being three mainstream TV channels to choose from feels like a long time ago. The Internet makes watching content at any time, in any location incredibly convenient. Very few programs nowadays are absolutely imperative to watch live, for fear of missing out. 但是,尽管有这些变化,也有例外. 不管是州地址, 预先录制好的事件, 或者期待已久的大结局, there are still dates in the diary that make millions of us sit up and take notice all at once.

随着互联网带宽和成本的下降, 流媒体是我们许多人认为理所当然的日常现实. 在竞争激烈的市场中, the ability to offer the greatest choice and convenience possible is a key selling point. When a new series is launched, or a sporting event begins, millions of fans tune in at once. This causes massive spikes in workload, and the performance environments are challenging. Streamers and broadcasters need to be absolutely sure they can deliver continuity of service, 尽可能安全. 当一切按计划进行时,消费者甚至不应该注意到.  

在备受瞩目的现场活动中, 无论是体育赛事, 政治解决, 或重大节日, 安全至上. There are also things like pre-recorded and pay-per-view events that broadcasters must keep secure before any premiere. Much like a great deal of planning and investment is going into establishing strong physical security, the same needs to happen on a digital front – protecting the mission-critical IT, 电信, 广播技术. It’s highly likely there will be attempts at cyberattack to cause disruption, 损害的声誉, 或者偷走并转卖直播视频.


Digital Rights Management (数字版权管理) is key in counteracting this and protecting intellectual property. With millions of pounds invested in acquiring broadcasting rights or developing TV series, streamers are rightly keen on protecting their investments as much as possible. High-Speed Encryption (HSE) is typically used to secure raw broadcast streams from the source to the broadcaster, while 数字版权管理 enables secure distribution and protected playback on consumers’ devices.

例如, a consumer may rent a piece of content for a defined period of time – 数字版权管理 will help ensure the material is made available for the duration, 一旦租赁期结束,使用将受到限制. It can also manage the use of things like screen capture software or other tampering with the video player technology being deployed.

指具有特定广播或发行权的材料, 数字版权管理 can be used to control what physical countries content can be viewed from. 通过这种方式限制视频, streamers can determine more easily what devices the content can be viewed on, 能维持多久. With the ability for 加密 keys to be hacked and stolen, 数字版权管理 can also come in and protect this.

分散风险,增强韧性, broadcasters will typically use a Content Distribution Network (CDN) to deliver a more streamlined experience. These are made up of a distributed network of servers to handle requests and deliver content closer to where the viewer is physically located. While the idea behind this is partly to reduce latency because the data doesn’t have to travel as far, 数字版权管理对于保护访问仍然至关重要.

与数字版权管理, broadcasters will also make use of High-Speed Encryption (HSE) to secure internal transit feeds. 原始提要将从事件的位置生成, but that must be protected as that video makes its way from the source, across multiple servers and transmission systems before getting to the broadcaster’s servers and CDN. Encryption typically involves the generation of a special key that grants users access to the protected data, 在这种情况下,视频馈送. 广播信号经过的每一个地方, care must be taken to ensure that threat actors can’t intercept or siphon data off for themselves.

加密密钥本身也需要保护, 这样威胁者就无法篡改或欺骗它们. If the method of verification can itself be successfully hacked, it could spell disaster. 在规模上,流媒体工作者致力于传递最受欢迎的事件, 他们需要系统地管理这些.


With IT and network infrastructures pushed to the extreme limit during moments of heavy bandwidth demand, 这不仅关系到流媒体的性能, 而是直播活动的安全性和稳定性. 数以百万计的人经常观看而不是亲自参加, how the live broadcast performs for subscribers affects the perception of the entire event. 数字版权管理, 加密, and hardware security are an integral part of broadcasters’ arsenal as they seek to protect and manage the content they’ve invested large sums into developing and acquiring.

[编者注:这是来自 泰利斯公司. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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