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There are two rising superpowers in the digital marketing space right now, and they’re not competing. 他们汇合. 这对营销人员来说是个极好的消息.

由于中央电视台和商业媒体的日益融合, 人们一直承诺的电视“可购物”的未来即将到来. 到2024年,美国人的平均收入将增加.S. 成年人在消费 nearly a full hour more with digital video each day than they are with traditional TV这是一种权力的转移,增强了广告商的数据能力. 同时, U.S. 商业媒体支出飙升至近600亿美元. 除了这些开支, 广告主对第一方购物者数据价值的认识有所提高, 推动商业媒体支出深入CTV.

Integrating CTV and commerce 媒体 strategies offers advertisers an unparalleled opportunity to enhance brand visibility, 订婚, 以及整个消费过程中的转化率. 然而, taking full advantage of this growing opportunity requires an awareness of both the partners that are driving this convergence, as well as the emerging CTV formats that will create truly shoppable experiences. 让我们深入挖掘这两个领域.


The converged commerce 媒体-CTV landscape has changed dramatically in a very short amount of time. 自2023年春季以来,商业媒体与ctv的合作伙伴关系成倍增长. 例如:

上述合作关系只是冰山一角. 从广告商的角度来看, making the most of the converged TV landscape could involve partnering directly with major retailers that are offering CTV advertising solutions out of the box. 另外, they can work with sell-side technology partners that are bringing together retail audience data with premium CTV inventory to enable campaigns across multiple platforms.


In addition to a growing array of partnerships that will integrate commerce 媒体 data into the purchasing of CTV inventory, advertisers are going to see new opportunities emerge to bring more shoppable CTV experiences to fruition. 例如:

  • 可滚动的CTV广告: 根据BrightLine的说法,可滚动的CTV广告(例如.e., ads that users can explore by clicking and scrolling to explore products and services) are already 为拥有令人印象深刻的1的品牌提供超大的结果.4%的用户粘性.
  • 综合购物平台:新平台直接集成到智能电视中, 允许观众购买在节目中看到的产品, 广告, 或者即时直播. 这些集成使流程无缝化, as viewers can purchase items using their remote control without needing a separate device.
  • 二维码集成许多广播公司现在都在节目中嵌入二维码, which viewers can scan with their smartphones to access product pages instantly. 这种方法弥合了传统电视观看和网上购物之间的差距, 使过程更具互动性和即时性.
  • 人工智能(AI)增强: AI is being used to enhance the shopping experience by providing personalized recommendations based on the viewer's watching habits and preferences. This technology can also automatically identify and tag products shown in TV programs or ads, 让观众可以方便地购买.
  • 语音命令随着智能电视中语音控制助手的兴起, 观众现在可以使用语音命令查找和购买产品. This hands-free approach simplifies the process of searching for products seen on TV, 提高可及性和便利性.

随着这些增强的广告机会变得越来越广泛, advertisers are understandably asking whether the associated higher CPMs are worth the price. 虽然进入成本可能看起来更高, even a surface-level analysis of the resulting value should be enough to overcome advertiser hesitancy.

Leveraging CTV and commerce 媒体 data together can enable brands to improve their 媒体 efficiency and brand outcomes by aligning spend with customer value rather than impressions. 传统上, buyers have planned their TV campaigns based on broad age and gender demographics and related CPP and CPM currencies. CTV, 另一方面, enables brands to evolve beyond traditional CPM-centric and demographic-based targeting toward richer value-based bidding. This enhanced targeting lets advertisers direct their investments toward 订婚s that will offer the highest ROI.

The convergence of CTV and commerce 媒体 provides an opportunity that brands have long coveted: the ability to create more cohesive omnichannel campaigns. 通过利用商业媒体数据, brands can engage customers both on their TVs at home and on their smartphones or computers when shopping online, 同时强化品牌信息和推动转化. But it can only work when buyers break down the silos between their brand and performance strategies and plan for CTV and commerce 媒体 together.


[编者注:这是来自 PubMatic. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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